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Recognizing a Job Well Done: "Flip the Pharmacy" awards


In early March, CPESN Indiana held their first inaugural Business Meeting. Having the opportunity to gather in-person to collaborate and share ideas for practice transformation re-ignited a spark in our team, with representation from over 50% of our pharmacies. We created a few "Flip the Pharmacy" awards to recognize some of the great work our sites have done over the past year and a half of Cohort 2!

Most Innovative Workflow:

Topeka Pharmacy

Topeka Pharmacy has championed advanced technician roles. Three technicians are immunization trained and were integral to the team reaching there community with COVID-19 vaccines and more. Technicians "champion" certain aspects of the workflow, like Med Sync, MTM, audits, COVID testing, and more- giving every technicians unique responsibilities.

Pictured above: Topeka Pharmacy Team and

Coach Molly Nichols

Most Engaged Pharmacy Champion: Rachel Busch of DeVille Pharmacies

Rachel has never missed or skipped a monthly site visit with our student coaches and has had a high-level of participation in Indiana's "Flip the Pharmacy" Office Hours with our FtP Leadership team.

Pictured right: Coach Molly Nichols and Rachel Busch

Most eCare plans submitted: Williams Brothers Health Care Pharmacy-Paoli

David Ford and his team at Williams Brothers Paoli submitted over 4,000 eCare plans during FtP Cohort 2 thus far! His team is always looking for innovative ways to use eCare plan features in PioneerRx to increase the patients they reach and the plans documented.

Pictured left: Coach Molly Nichols and Charlotte Wilson of Williams Brothers Health Care Pharmacies

Congratulations to our sites and we loved being in-person all together for the first time. CPESN IN looks forward to future meetings and continued collaboration to improve patient care and access to services in out state!

Katie Hettinger, PharmD

Community Practice research Fellow | Purdue University

FtP Cohort 2 Team Lead | Team Indiana

Assistant Network Facilitator | CPESN IN

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